Vieux Quebec |
We are home to a gray and dark Sunday morning, but the best
of all is we are home safe and sound from a “two-week”, fun filled trip,
running like chicken with no heads at times, for example, we had to wake up at
5:00 o’clock in the morning to get ready and catch the ferry ride to Martha’s
Vineyard at 8:15 AM. We walked a lot for sure, exploring Quebec City and
Pokie drove most of the way and I was the so-called
navigator in training. I made a cardinal mistake one time when I entered the
wrong city into our GPS, it should have been Braintree as the city, but I
entered it as Boston instead. The result was harrowing, we went into some of
the roughest neighborhood and we went through a huge cemetery. A good thing I
realized it quickly and it was a fifteen-minute mistake.
We took the red-eye flight to Providence, Rhode Island from
Portland, Oregon resulting in no sleep and a tired day when we got there, but
we recovered rather quickly. I think we drove about 1,500 miles in total all in
all, covering six states in the US and one province in Canada, Rhode Island,
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Quebec Province and Maine
in that order.
We were hoping for “fall colors” as an added bonus, but we
were about three weeks too early. The peak for fall colors starts the first
week of October, so we will visit again the next time around.
We mostly stay in the “Hampton Inn and Suites”. There are
two things that are certain about this hotel chain managed by Hilton, the
cleanliness of the room and the consistent complimentary breakfast served from
6:00 AM to 10:00 AM. When you are traveling, it is a great help and we save
some money along the way. I also belong to Hilton Honors, earning some free
nights along the way.
We went as far as Provincetown, Cape Cod and Edgartown in Martha’s Vineyard.
Along the way I took some 1,350 images, thus it will take me sometime to sort
these out. Here’s some of the highlighted from this New England trip. I will do
a website on each segment of the trips later on bit by bit.