Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Quebec City Tour

I remember

The next day we decided to take a bus tour, we were glad we decided this alternative rather than driving back to the Vieux Quebec. It is a mess and the drivers there are some of the worst, we witnessed two drivers not wanting to yield, although it has become one lane. Just plain crazy! The rain was still prominent that morning, plus all the tour bus had to yield to the bicycle race, resulting to some areas that we had to miss. One of the places that we wanted to see is “La Citadelle de Quebec”, the rain just would not let up for us to go there.

The city tour was done in the morning and continue the suburbs of Quebec after we had lunch, a new bus took us to the Montmorency falls, “Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre” and ‘Ile de d’Orleans” or Orleans Island, plus some of the TOULIST TLAP, but overall were good destinations.

Pokie was a bit disappointed that the gift shop at the Sainte Anne church was closed at that time. The weather was much better in the afternoon. Guess what, when we left Quebec the next day, it was bright and sunny! What a trip to this part of the country, I felt that I went to Europe without crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

PS: The tour guide told us that there are only two seasons in Quebec, construction and winter. I thought that was very funny.

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