BC Ferry - Langdale to Horseshoe Bay |
We were just come back from a shorter (than planned) tour to
the Sunshine Coast, Canada. We made a loop from Tsawwassen ferry terminal. It
took 4 ferry rides to come back to Vancouver BC. We wanted to escape the heat,
but it just followed us with a vengeance, ninety degrees daily is the norm in
this trip. We really did not fully utilize our time exploring the area, this
was the worst travel when it comes to the heat, and we rather have a colder
weather using the Wanderlust.
We only explored the area in the mornings and evenings when we think the
weather is cooler, the rest of the time we were cocooning inside the motor home
with the AC full blast. The images on this website is just purely for
documentation purposes only, no creativity – blame it on the heat.
Nonetheless, this is our first installment to show you just the ferry ride;
next I intend to make the website as to where we stay or the campgrounds we
called home for a day or two.