Colorado Southern Railroad
The Colorado Southern is a steam railroad set in the 1930’s
built for operations with 60 turnouts. The layout is a single track requiring
five passing sidings so trains traveling in opposite directions can get around
each other. The Northern division climbs to the summit of a 5-foot brim. The
rocky mountain landscape, forest, lake and 50-foot long whitewater river and
waterfall that move 250 gallons of water per minute challenged the engineers to
find a 2% grade route to the future town at the summit. To accomplish this
feat, they employed several bridges and three tunnels totaling 90 feet in
The Southern division is the larger lower loop and contains
many sidings for industries yet to be built to switch freight cars.
Trains are controlled by wireless remote control. The
mainline is 450 feet with 750 feet of total track. Construction began in 1997.